
Welcome to Streamer

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Save a stream

This part allows for you to save the stream details, so you can immediately start a stream when you have a few streams happening at once, this can be especially useful when Roses is going on.


Stream outputs


This is the file output of the stream, it will be saved as a .mkv file, and you can specify a path
It will be saved in the pending edits folder on the network drive (not to be confused with the Google Drive)
The format to follow is (folder/file) e.g. ERN/ERN.mkv, the folder will be created in pending edits if it doesn't already exist
The extension (.mkv) will be added to the end of the file if it doesn't already contain it

Website forwarding

If this is selected then it will default to stream1?pwd=gamer
By default, the website works with streaming to the live endpoint so that is done by default
Use the live endpoint followed by one of the keys in cobra [stream key and password]
This is especially important for events like Roses

Additional forwarding

This section is for adding all the stream servers and keys
All stream servers should start with "rtmp://" or "rtmps://"
If you are unsure how to get the stream servers and keys from YouTube and Facebook then click on the links below